Atlanta Marketing Organizations
Updated a little on 21 July 2021
Local Atlanta Groups For Marketing, Content, Social Media, Blogging, Web Design & Lead Generation
We are an Atlanta Marketing Agency and offer this list of Organizations for Marketing, Content, Social Media, Blogging, Web Design & Lead Generation
Atlanta Marketing Organizations
Here are a few places you may find me discussing marketing, advertising, technology, social media, and web design:
AiMA - Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association
BMA - Business Marketing Association, Atlanta
AWDG - Atlanta Web Design Group this group is sem-retired although a LinkedIn Group still exists
AAC - Atlanta Ad Club
ADUG - Atlanta Drupal Users Group
TAG - Technology Association of Georgia
DMA - Direct Marketing Association Atlanta
MIT Enterprise Forum of Atlanta
You can learn a lot about Atlanta area marketing events by joining and monitoring social media networks, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. On Twitter, look for the hashtag #ATLtweet.
We are considering hosting some less formal, lunch roundtable discussions about PR, blogging, media relations, local marketing, and lead generation. These might include beer from a local craft brewery. Let us know if you are interested.
Incubator, Event, and Co-Working Spaces
ATDC - Advanced Technology Development Center
We have helped companies grow from small to national via solid PR and marketing tactics.
Call me, Jim Caruso, at 404.788.0188 to join the discussion.
M1PR (MediaFirst) is an Atlanta Marketing Agency offering blogging agency services, PR, content, social media curation, business blogging, and lead generation