Corporate Branding Agency
Corporate Branding Agency
Creating, Implementing, & Promoting Corporate Identity
Capturing Brand Identity & Differentiation
Differentiate Your Venture
A brand is the psychological feeling that prospects and customers associate with the firm (brand image) and, also, the interaction they have (brand experience). Managing expectation and experience encompass brand management. Typically, MediaFirst is involved in promoting clients by reinforcing an existing brand and carving out new expectations and higher awareness, based upon management's intended trajectory of your firm. You can also employ us to brand or re-brand the organization, as we have done for several clients.
Creative services attract & appeal
- Corporate identity
- Naming: company, product, or service
- Message development & documentation
- Graphic design: we have the best designers
- Meaningful, powerful writing
- Video: ideas & storyboards that win raves
Create Brand Awareness With Winning Marketing Collaterals
- Design, write, and promote marketing collateral - brochures, invitations, direct mail pieces, catalogs, newsletters, and presentations
- Graphic Design including corporate logos
- Review and improve sales materials and presentations to ensure effectiveness and message integration
- Generate winning case studies and white papers
- Counsel companies on Web site creation, including navigation and design
- Write content for Web sites
- Determine measurements, goals, target audience, look, and frequency that meet goals
- Develop and Deliver Quality Presentations
Quality Presentations Open Doors to New Business
The staff at Media First PR - Atlanta has formal training in creating and delivering presentations for the software, technology, and supply chain industries. You gain the attention, interest, and confidence of the audience. Your presentation may introduce or sell products, relay information, or present industry trends. Our experiences include presentations at International shows and local seminars in the telecommunications, new media, computing, and electronic commerce industries.
- Identify and manage speaking opportunities
- Develop and Deliver Quality Presentations
Visual Brand Identity
Corporate identity and branding efforts give the venture unique and identifiable graphics, such as logos, photos, graphical accents. These also provide a starting point for taglines (slogans) for your products or services. The effort can begin with a compilation and reinforcement of an existing look or create a new, more unique and recognizable difference. Below, please find typical tasks and deliverables:
Corporate Identity & Branding Tasks:
- Compile and finalize the key corporate messages for input to the corporate identity tasks.
- Brainstorm and agree on taglines for use with your firm’s Company-Name, Product-Name(s), or Service-Names.
- Trademark, Service Mark, or register these names.
- Compile and maintain a list of corporate trademarks and status, Trademark or Registered Trademark.
- Compile a list of brand attribute words
- Research: recommend and select primary color, a secondary color, and any accent colors
- Identify or create graphic elements that will be carried through all corporate communications: Web, print, documents, PDF, etc.
- Create logo usage guidelines for corporate logo and product or service logos, such as:
Call Jim to ask about branding services at 770.642.2080, z218