Jim's Favorite InfoSec Maillists
Berkeley Information Security Office
Caltech Security Mailing Lists
Some are from Cyber Magazine
The State of InfoSec Lists in 2006
Okay, since I blogged the top software, I need to mention my favorite 2 mail lists:
Infowarrior mailing list https://attrition.org/mailman/listinfo/infowarrior via http://www.infowarrior.org/ and
ISN: InfoSec News https://attrition.org/security/lists.html
Many thanks to the organizers - and many contributors. -----
URL: https://attrition.org/mailman/listinfo/infowarrior -----
URL: https://www.infowarrior.org/ -----
URL: https://attrition.org/security/lists.html
Information Security Newsletters and Maillists Today
Yes, this is an old post.