Pinterest for Business, Sign Up and Get Your Business Pinterest Profile (or Convert a Personal Profile to a Business Profile)
Sign Up for Pinterest for Business
Get your business Pinterest account (profile) or convert a personal account profile to a business account profile.
Create a Pinterest Business Account or Convert to One
Pinterest has a great interface for presenting your story in a photograph or image. Pictures are convincing and are freely shared by Pinterest users. One result, in addition to finding good looking products that you like, is that Pinterest images can be linked to landing pages that convert.
Conversion, the process of getting web visitors to take a next step and sign up for your email newsletter, download more information on your product, or request and appoint or quote can all be prompted through effective use of Pinterest.
Pinterest may provide lead generation and clicks to your landing pages.
Pinterest might add to search engine optimization (SEO) as keywords are included and point to web pages for higher page rank.
Pinterest and other social media platforms are including and expanding features to be more helpful for creators, influencers, and brand.
Tags: Business Pinterest Account, Convert a Personal Pinterest Account to a Business Account, Pinterest for Business, Pinterest Sign Up