Twitter Influence and Tracking Tools
Here is a quick list of Twitter tools, Websites with differing measurements of influence.
Update 8-4-2010: I found these two Twitter visualization tools that I like:
1.) http://isparade.jp This is a Japanese site for Twitter visualization.
2.) http://twittersheep.com TagCloud from the bios of followers.
For real tracking, I like Filtrbox ( http://www.filtrbox.com/ ). Fitrbox has tool to check your influence, http://www.filtrbox.com/twitter.htm ranking you on a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest). Also, you can access this through their API.
Twitter Influence Trackers:
twitalyzer.com filtrbox.com addictomatic.com tweetstats.com twittercounter.com< twinfluence.com buzzom.com twscore.net friendorfollow.com klout.com topsy.com followerwonk.com
Twitter Activity
Twitter Statistics
twitteranalyzer.com <~ Results not valid
TweetEffect.com <~ Results not valid. Did not even come close to showing which tweets yield new followers or unfollowers.