Video Interview of Jim Caruso on Business Blogging & Blog Marketing
Blog Marketing, Blog SEO, and Blog Writing Agency, M1PR
Today on our Marketing Blog, I'll write and be interviewed on Blog Marketing, Blog SEO, and Blog Writing. I was invited to speak with Bernie Wolford of Buckingham Business Review about blogging.
Click for information about our blogging agency services.
Our blog reaches our audience of companies interested in Marketing, PR, and Social Media for lead generation. Here, we've been recognized as one of the top social media blogs, although this is also B2B Blogging focused, covering blog marketing, blog SEO, blog writing, social media blogs, and general blogging for business.
This video starts at the beginning but covers the fact that blogs attract online audiences. You target customers can be attracted by good content, backed by an understanding of the search terms that buyers are likely to use. I say, buyers because you can use high traffic search terms, but the important terms for SEO are the one that your prospective buyers will use.
Segment 1: MediaFirst CEO Jim Caruso, contributing to our series on Blogging
MediaFirst's Jim Caruso shares great tips regarding the use of Blogging as a business tool.
Welcome to Buckingham business review
I'm your host Bernie Wolford founder and
president of Buckingham associates our
video magazine is about the intersection
of strategy people and tactics and today
our subject is blogging I don't know
about many of you in our audience but
blogging has been around for a while but
I still hear a lot of questions about
the value of blogging frequency of
blogging is their ROI and blogging or is
it sort of a soft investment so we're
going to have a series of interviews
with special guests to really drill down
in this subject of blogging and to get
started I'm very pleased to have with me
my first guest mr. Jim Caruso of MediaFirst.
Jim welcome to Buckingham Business
Review and let's begin about telling our
audience a little bit about your firm
MediaFirst (M1PR, Inc.).
Thank you, Bernie, thanks very
much for having me today. MediaFirst (M1PR, Inc.) is
a marketing services firm. We we do a lot
of PR. PR helps our writing a lot,
helps us position our customers well, and
understand how to do that. We've been
doing marketing for 10 years and we've
been building websites for 10 years
these days, people want to
generate more leads. Marketing, PR, social
media, and websites for lead generation
is a good package. That's what we're
I guess one of my first
questions concerns the very definition
of blogging it probably means different
things to different people I know what
it means to me but why don't you share
with our audience what your definition
of blogging is and maybe how it fits
into your own personal work and
particularly blogging as a tool for some
of your clients.
That's interesting that
you're asking what blogging is on a
general basis but really any kind of
content on the web. You know more and
more people are on mobile today but any
kind of content on the web where people
are searching for a term they very often
will find your website because of the
blog that you have. A blog post is a
written piece that might be 350 to 500 words.
It's about a subject that's of interest
to the audience that you're trying to
If I approached you Jim with a blank
piece of paper and you've learned a
little bit about my company and I might
say is blogging for me do you have sort
of an immediate answer based on your
Or there are a couple of
follow-up questions to sort of I guess
help me learn what I might be doing
whether it's appropriate?
I think that almost every company can benefit from
blogging as we look at how people are
marketing and selling today more and
more leads and more and more buyers
whether their consumer buyers or whether
their business buyers are searching on
the web once they are on the web
searching for a solution product or a
service you have the ability as a
business to attract those people to your
website in preference over your
competitors website right by blogging
right something tells me the proper
keywords inserted in my blog are as
important as the subject in my blog as
part of a search search engine and I am
i hearing that that correctly right
absolutely you can't always just be
keyword focused but keywords are very
important to attracting that that
first-time visitor who's has a search
term so it's you know it's very strange
you know SEO is kind of snake oil right
you understand so so people are selling
SEO and it kind of looks like snake oil
sales but blogging is really important
and the important part is finding your
audience so blogging about things that
are important to your audience and
unfortunately or fortunately keywords
are a big part of that ok now i have
several business relationships in fact
some our friendship relationships where
every day they are hitting me with
something and seldom is it relevant to
my interest so can't can it be overdone
I mean what are sort of some of the
limits and boundaries and do to keep
from falling into the ditch about
blogging so a frequency
metric is there a subject matter metric
I don't know that there's a really a
frequency metric I'd say at least a
couple days a week ok would be a good
thing a couple days a week will allow
you to have fresh content which both
pleases your audience and pleases Google
whose ranking one website over another
website right now how do I I guess I I'm
an industrial engineer by training and
by practice I like to have some sort of
metrics to tell me what's working and
what's not how do I get my hands around
whether or not my blogs are producing
the result I find 10 I think the best
way to figure out whether blogs are
giving you the results that you want is
to first of all measure the traffic that
you have okay like how many people are
coming to the blog and what blog post
are they coming to but there's a whole
science behind blogging and using blogs
to both please your audience and for
lead generation
So, you can provide
information to your audience and please
them by giving them by offering them
giving them an offer like a tip ship
sheet so the 10 tips on whatever your
blog coaches seem out of it okay and
then there are very much more direct
where you have a blog post on a subject
and you might say would you like to be
able to do this in your business click
here for your fast free quote.
Right, well we're visiting with Jim
Caruso of MediaFirst (M1PR, Inc.).
In our next
segment with Jim, we're going to really
get down in the weeds and talk about
what makes this log successful and also
maybe some mistakes to be avoided by
people as they start blogging.
So, thank you for joining us on Buckingham
Business Review. This is Bernie Wofford, your host.
We hope you will join
us again on a future segment.
Thank you.
Learn more about our blogging agency services.