For immediate release

Business For America (BFA) Letter to the US Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
April 28, 2023
The Honorable Tammy Baldwin, Chair
Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health
and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
The Honorable Shelly Moore Capito, Ranking Member
Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health
and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
Dear Chairwoman Baldwin and Ranking Member Capito:
As you continue your work on the fiscal year 2024 budget for the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, Business for America, a national nonpartisan business membership organization, wishes to voice our support for support the proposed funding level of $73 million for the American History and Civics-National Activities and American History and Civics Academies grants to support programs that will promote innovative instruction, learning strategies, and professional development.
Our organization represents U.S. companies with diverse economic interests and workforces and with a broad range of political views. We, however, share a concern about the state of civic education in America’s K–12 schools. It is essential to our country’s future that we restore the importance placed on civic education in American classrooms with targeted federal investments to support and expand access to civic and American history education.
According to Pew Research Center, support for democracy has been on the decline in the United States, while an increasing number of Americans express openness to other forms of government, including authoritarianism. Distrust in our democratic institutions and an erosion of civic values and norms have fueled further politicization and polarization. The interdependency of a market economy and constitutional democracy make this kind of instability a particular threat to economic sustainability and prosperity, putting at risk our businesses and employees.
Even with the 2023 omnibus package, the federal government invests a mere 50 cents per K–12 student in civic education compared to 55 dollars for STEM. Far too many Americans graduate without understanding the fundamentals of our three branches of government or the Bill of Rights. Comprehensive civic education for every student is a key solution agreed upon by a majority of Republicans and Democrats alike. Civic education, when done well, produces
a more informed and engaged citizenry and stronger democratic institutions, which leads to a better educated workforce, greater market stability, and more sustainable economic outcomes.
After decades of underinvestment, the decline in civic education has contributed significantly to the political discord, dysfunction, and widespread disengagement plaguing our nation today. It is alarming that our adversaries are using this political discord to their advantage to weaken the United States by further eroding confidence in our democratic systems. Restoring civic learning in public schools is a matter of defending America's constitutional democracy and national security.
This is an important investment not just for civic education, but for our nation. Your leadership to secure these additional funds will help to improve civic and American history education, as well as an educated workforce and competitive economy. We appreciate your consideration of our request.
Richard Eidlin, National Policy Director
Business for America