Mobile Lines Overtake Landlines + Evolution of Mobile Advertising
2022 Update
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2005 Blog Post
First, one should note this shift from landlines to mobile telephone lines, which is changing the basis of competition for traditional telecommunications carriers, Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILEC) and Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLEC), alike.
Higher-end services, such as data, are now driving the thinking at the big carriers, which see their landline numbers declining. This is ironic for them, I'm sure because for a while people were adding lines for faxes and dial-up modems and they could hardly keep pace.
Second, my comment on Mobile Advertising is that conceptually it has been around for a while. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has had a special interest group with many sessions.
Map data providers, integrators, and advertisers have developed the applications that now dot in-vehicle map systems and Web-based map-related, sponsored advertising links, such as you find on MapQuest, Google Maps, or Weather.com.
However, as I walk down the street with a Palm, Pocket PC, or other data-capable mobile phones - I don't get it today. So, we'll see how interesting this becomes. URL: Evolution of Mobile Advertising.