B2B Article Marketing Is Part of B2B Marketing
B2B Marketing via B2B Article Marketing has two facets:
Magazines Are Accepting More Bylines
a.) The first is that more and more publications are accepting bylined articles from B2B Companies. In part, this reduces the cost of content for publishers, whether online publications, email newsletters, or print magazines. This is part of B2B Media Relations and involves pitching a story idea to an editor who assigns the story to you instead of an in-house reporter or writer.
A bylined article, one with your name on it, typically runs from approximately 900 to 1500 words in length. We pitch the idea for you and can ghost write the piece or we can; if so, you help with editing. These allow you to help the audience and prove your expertise. B2B Social Media can broaden the reach of these articles by posting the link across social media platforms and groups.
Use SEO Keywords in Bylines and Links for Link-building
b.) Use SEO in Bylined Articles as part of your link-building campaigns. These articles contain keywords that link back to a specific page on your website. Submit byline content only to websites that accept this content and make sure your work has links back to your business website.
B2B Article Marketing works well in a complete program of B2B Marketing that includes B2B Branding, B2B Award Marketing, B2B Blog Marketing, B2B Content Marketing, B2B Conversions Marketing, B2B Media Relations, B2B Online Marketing, B2B Press Release Marketing, and B2B Social Media Marketing.