For immediate release

M1PR Announces Juneteenth As An Annual Company Holiday
ATLANTA, GA – June 18, 2020 – M1PR, Inc., a leading agency in technology, software, and supply chain, announces this Friday, June 19, 2020, #JuneteenthDay will be observed as a permanent annual paid holiday in the USA for the company.
We encourage everyone to use this day to learn more about the fight for equality, the struggle to end racial injustice, and the promise of the Constitution of the United States to deliver to citizens on the promise of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
We ask that offices close and staff reschedule appointments on Friday, June 19, for a company-wide Day of Observance.
The agency recognizes that June 19, 1865, is a historic anniversary in U.S. history. Union Army Major General Gordon Granger stood in Galveston, Texas, and issued the order declaring “all slaves are free.” Since Texas was the last state in the Confederacy to fall, this date became a national celebration of emancipation known as Juneteenth.
One goal is to give staff time to reflect on the issues raised by Juneteenth and a long, national tragedy of deaths, resulting in the Black Lives Matter network formation in 2013. This Juneteenth is an opportunity to begin to read, listen, learn, and consider the next steps for ourselves and our company.
We hope our community will tackle these difficult topics with urgency, empathy, connection, and action for meaningful change. How do we take action to eliminate disparities in health, education, and economic opportunity? In the future, what steps can we take to address issues from implicit bias to institutional racism?
Our agency will develop a Code of Conduct, proactively seek clients that share our values and diversify our contractors and employees. We will strive for inclusion and equity.
If your organization seeks inspiration, we recommend:
Recognize Juneteenth in your organization
Black Lives Matter
Professor Kendi's book "How To Be An Antiracist”
Conscious Style Guide
The Editors of Color Database, a free service that connects employers and recruiters with editors, proofreaders, and sensitivity readers of color in the U.S. and Canada.
Database of Diverse Databases, now with 70 resources featuring underrepresented communities!
About M1PR, Inc. d/b /a MediaFirst PR – Atlanta
MediaFirst PR - Atlanta is a boutique national marketing and media relations agency. For more information, call 770.642.2080 or visit