The economic downturn forced marketing organizations to do a better job communicating and quantifying their strategies, tasks, and success.
Out of this has come tools to generate leads better and also at a lower cost. These tools are marketing automation. Well-implemented Marketing Automation increases revenues and profitability while lowering costs (or at least cost per new customer).
Jim Caruso will cover why this is important to us.
Best Practices for Hosting Your Drupal Site - Panel Discussion - Moderator Tim Dorr
I offer a review of Drupal hosting and performance improvements, including OpCode cache, such as APC; standard Drupal caching via the Boost module, CDN - Content Distribution Networks, and MySQL optimization via InnoDB rather than MyISAM. Jim Caruso
Archive.org lists 110 downloads!
Notes From "SEO Best Practices for the Drupal.org Redesign" Webinar. Noted here are SEO recommendations for the drupal.org redesign.
DrupalCon Paris Panel Transcript
[00:00:00] Jim: Tonight is about why did we attend Drupalcon? What did it mean to us? Why did we want to go? What would we get out of it? And I'm Jim Caruso with MediaFirst PR-Atlanta and I've been a Drupal user for a while. We do a limited amount of web hosting and domain registration and things like that mostly to promote individual businesses. So I think I'll let everybody introduce themselves. Chris, why don't you go ahead.