20+ Benefits of Publicity | What PR Can Do For Awareness & Sales
Some today think PR is dead. It is not; it has just changed and significantly. PR, marketing, lead generation, SEO, social media – these activities are all blending into what I call the new marketing matrix. Here’s what getting publicity, either via a press release, social media, blog, or whatever, can do for you and your business:
- Establishes you as an expert and thought leader in your field
- Create a strong brand so that prospects will think of your brand first
- Elevates your status among peers
- Improves SEO and rises your company in search engine rankings
- Helps to push prospects on the fence over to a buying customer
- Increase credibility, making customers want to work with you for the long haul
- Helps people to find your website and be more ready to buy
- Gives a third party endorsement of you, your products, and services
- Boosts you above the competition
- Increases awareness of your thought leadership and knowledge among the media
- More publications and media outlets want to cover you
- Partners and vendors want to work with you more
- Investors are attracted to your company
- Potential employees want to work for you; current employees are happier to represent you and your brand
- You’re invited to speak at conferences and workshops
- You’re invited to be a Featured Speaker at a leading industry conference
- Industry analysts and other experts want to engage with you and your company
- New markets open up for you and your company
- You drive traffic to your site from new sources
- People, such as industry analysts, clients, and prospects, pay more attention to you, your messages, and your offerings
- Garner awards and see your name on Top Lists
- Prospects you contact recognize your company and your name