Facebook – It’s a Liking Matter
Facebook is important to your brand or your company, and sometimes, trying to draw attention on Facebook seems like the most daunting part of your day.
But Facebook is also valuable, sharing information immediately to millions of people across the globe with the click of a button, and there are several ways to optimize that by getting as many “likes” as possible.
How? Here are some suggestions:
- Invite everyone you know to “like” your page. If they are your personal friends or family, they will. If they are simply an acquaintance, they might learn something new. Ask whoever “likes” your page to invite all their Facebook friends to “like” your page, too. The worst they can do is say “no” or do nothing.
- “Like” other’s pages. “Like” local companies, national companies, friends’ companies and your competitors’ pages. “Friend” everyone you come across. A great way for someone to hear about your brand is by simply stumbling across your profile, and seeing others “liking” your page is a great way to do that.
- Post! Post about your brand, post about current events, post news stories relating to your brand, post interesting facts or things that have nothing to do with your brand. Just post! Don’t always post about your company, either. No one likes self-absorbed, not even from a company.
- Don’t post too much either. Two to three times per day is the perfect amount of Facebook posts. That way, no one forgets to check out your page, but no one also gets annoyed and “unlikes” your page, too.
- Post promotions, giveaways and any deals that your customers or “likers” would be interested in. Build some momentum with it, too. Post a few days prior that you have “an exciting new giveaway” coming up on Tuesday at noon. Everyone likes a warning!
- Encourage people to “like” your page by offering products or giveaways to new Facebook fans. Give a discount code or mail the 1,000th “liker” a product.
These ideas and more can help you create some buzz for your brand. After all, Facebook is a tool that should be utilized, but it’s most effective if you’re personal yet professional and neither silent nor “post-happy.” Happy posting!