Search Engine Optimized Press Releases
When Search Engine Optimization (SEO) became a hot topic in the early 2000’s, it was very easy to write a press release with targeted keywords and end up at the top of the Google listings for those keywords.
Today, this doesn’t happen.
Press releases now have to compete with thousands of articles, blog posts and twitter feeds. To make noise above the clutter, you should issue the press release over a wire service, then write a blog post with carefully selected titles, content, tags and other SEO optimization strategies. Send the blog to major blogging sites like mashable.com.
A press release should contain:
HEADLINE – Interesting title with keywords
OPENING PARAGRAPH – Includes date, your headquarters city, and 2 or 3 sentences that make you want to read more, but it must be a summary of the body.
QUOTE #1: – Quote from President or Director
QUOTE #2: – Optional Quote from another source… client, vendor, event, etc…
BODY – Answers questions: Who? What? When? Where? and Why? Include keywords with links back to your website.
(If appropriate) BULLET POINTS – “BENEFITS” not features. Bullet points cause people who scan to read.
Call to action- The press release should make the reader want to know more, and the Call to Action is how they can find out more.
ABOUT STATEMENT – overview of your company offerings with keywords and links to your website
CONTACT: Person that can be called for follow-up.
Search Engine Optimized Press Releases, when done on a regular and consistent basis, can help you build up a great deal of news, blog, and other high profile links to your web site.